Twisted Oliver Info
About Twisted Oliver Passionate Rock/Metal/Progressive
Twisted Oliver's name comes from the writings of Charles Dickens. It's theme and concept reflects the hardships and struggles of the unprivileged people in history who triumphed against all odds. The lyrics expressed in the music brings to light the corruption of mankind that manipulates other people's good ideas and creations for their own. Life is not easy especially for people who thrive to create something new or spectacular whether one is privileged or not. The world is full of people who would steal your dreams but to be discouraged and defeated is to let them win. Never surrender, never give in.
Twisted Oliver has been a hard rock/metal band on the forefront of the evolution of music since the late 80s. It is and has been everything that the greatest rock bands in the world have been except the fame and fortune part. The band members have change over the years except for the founder Matt Hirte. The musical influences are many, and span from the rock/metal bands of the 70s to the 90s, culminating in the music’s unique sound. No matter what the environment or what the circumstances may be, Matt has always kept the music and its concept moving forward despite many obstacles. As of now the band is inactive but as our society moves into a new age of renewal in many ways, regardless of the ups and downs, Twisted Oliver will be rockin’ into the future.
Unfortunately there are no scheduled events for the band as of yet. Due to today's crazy environment, the closure of our economies, the mandates and other restrictions in recent years, the band is still on “stand by”. However, Matt remains optimistic and is busy in the studio completing a plethora of new music, and will be working on putting a new band together in the near future. This task has enormous costs and is very difficult to maintain without support. If you’re not really into hard rock but like what Twisted Oliver is about your donation is much appreciated– Rock On!

Twisted Oliver is basically the vision of Guitarist / Song Writer / Sound Engineer Matt Hirte of which all the music & Lyrics are composed and arranged by him. Matt has always molded his songwriting to what is intended to be a combination of "old school" with "new school". His music is influenced by the deep insight and great songwriting of the 70's, from Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd to the 80s and 90s like Ozzy, Queensryche and Alice In Chains. Matt's unique style of guitar playing is a mesh of many guitar players from the 70-80s era, but he also has a unique way of expression with his chord structure and lead guitar, with mostly melodic, ripping modal structures yet still based in a solid presence of Blues.
It's difficult to keep a band together without much support but hopefully fans of rock will find their way to this site– the music will speak for itself and the band will be out "rockin' in the free world".